Underpaid - How AI can boost your pay, especially if you are on an hourly wage

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Title: Underpaid? How AI can boost your pay, especially if you are on an hourly wage.

TL;DR  Most workers are probably underpaid, especially if they have been in their job for more than a year. You can use jobzisupport.com to make sure get paid what you worth.  BTW… you should read the article to really understand why.



Can you imagine always being paid the best market rate for your skills and experience for every day you work? How much more money would you have earned over your working life? The problem is that people are often too busy to notice when there are better opportunities elsewhere. You only look for a new job when you are sick of your current one or have been let go. 

Money isn’t everything, except when you don’t have it

There is more to life than money and you may love (or at least like) your current job. However, let us be honest, many, if not most, people do not get much of a sense of community or feeling of self-actualisation (referring to Maslow’s Hierarchy) in their jobs. Most working people do not have a “career”, but a series of jobs to pay the bills. If you find fulfilment and a sense of belonging in your job and career, good for you. However, for most working people it is mostly about the money. There is much to say about how working environments can or should be improved, but that is not the point of this article. This article is about how you can use AI to get paid better, especially if you are on an hourly wage.

To understand the real problem with the job market. perhaps the most important question to ask is why, given all the available technology and recruitment services, is finding a new job so time-consuming and exhausting? How is it possible that in 2024, where you can make international payments on your phone or ask a computer to write a poem, you cannot simply be paid your market rate? Surely it is not too complicated to have technology or services in place to do this? 

The real reason you are underpaid

The answer to this question is simple. The entire modern recruitment process is built and paid for by employers. It is optimised to make it as easy as possible for employers to select, hire and pay the lowest wages they can get away with. Why should employers share market rate pay information with you once you start working? In fact, it is policy in many companies, for employees not to discuss salaries with each other. The reason given for this policy is that pay is highly personal information and should not be discussed. The real issue is that many of the more recent workers will be paid closer to the market rate than many of the long-standing workers. It is hard to argue for more money when you do not know what your options are. It is even harder to quit your job, if you do not have a new job offer.

This is a genuine problem for many people in management or “career” type jobs that are paid monthly salaries, especially as they often do far longer hours than their contracted hours, with little or no overtime. The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has a website that compares jobs by the average weekly hours using official UK data. The site also gives effective average hourly pay for the hours worked. Needless to say, many people work for much less than the minimum wage despite what their contract may say. Nevertheless, workers in better-paid salaried jobs often get other non-pay benefits and perks that mitigate the lack of pay to some extent. However, it is those people who are paid by the hour who really suffer by being underpaid.

A very large number of people are paid by the hour. Hourly pay is common in retail, hospitality, healthcare, security and waste management. These are the people who keep society running. Hourly pay is also common in industries where unions have a strong presence, such as railways, and the government sector. It must be said that unions have done a good job in maintaining wages for actual hours worked. Perhaps salaried workers should take note. 

Imagine an AI service that results in recruiters constantly calling you with job offers 

In any case, to solve the problem of workers being underpaid, what is needed is a service that genuinely works for and on behalf of workers, whether they are actively looking for a job or not. A service is needed that constantly searches for job postings that match your job title, location, and target salary (or higher), and automatically applies for the job for you. In such a service, despite being busy in your current job, you will receive calls and emails asking for you to attend an interview for a new better-paid job… a job that that is paying you what you are actually worth. If you are a salaried worker this is clearly a great service, but if you are an hourly worker on the minimum wage, this can make a life-changing difference.

We developed the Jobzi AI bot to make it super simple for British workers to get paid what they are worth, i.e. the market rate for their skills and area. We are a UK-based technology start-up, not a recruitment agency. Our service is an AI virtual assistant service to help people find and apply for jobs. The Jobzi bot can help you if you are actively looking for work, or if you are just looking to see what is available. Unlike recruitment agencies, jobzisupport.com works exclusively for and on behalf of job seekers. This also means our business model relies on getting paid by workers, not employers. At the moment we charge 10p per automated application, but if you can get paid an extra £1 per hour as a result of using Jobzi, that could mean an increase of £3k per year!

Any adult in the UK can register for Jobzi by going to jobzisupport.com . Just register, specify your job title, location, wage target and upload your CV. Jobzi will do the rest.